Monday 28 May 2012

rollin' good time: tamagoyaki

Today, I'm trying my hand on making Japanese Egg Roll - Tamagoyaki.  In Japan, there is sweet egg roll and salty one and personally, I can't get used to eating the sweet egg roll, therefore, I'm making the savory egg roll - Rosa's style.

In Japan, there are a special pan used for making Tamagoyaki.  You may use a normal frying pan, for me, I bought my Tamagoyaki pan at Daiso for only $2.  It's kinda small compared to the normal one, but still it do make the effect.  You may take a look here on how the professional in Japan make Tamagoyaki

ingredient (serve 1-2)
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 teaspoon KNORR Hao Chi (All in one seasoning)


- mix all the ingredients together
- heat up frying pan and grease lightly with oil
- pour a little bit of the egg mixture, enough to coat the pan
- let it cook for a while, then start to roll with a spatula or chopstick front ward
- once you reached the end, pull the egg to the another end of the pan nearer to you
- grease the pan again
- repeat the procedure until all the egg mixture is used up
- place the egg roll on a chopping board and slice into bite pieces.

It might be a bit difficult to roll up the egg, it really takes a lot of practice to master it.  I'm still working hard on it too.


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