Monday 14 May 2012

happy pancaking

pancake & scramble egg
I have always wanted to make fluffy pancakes and for the past few experiences I had with pancakes, they all turned out thin and not as brown as what I had made today.  Since then, I had been trying and looking through different recipes from Youtube and finally I came out with my own modified Rosa's pancake and it just feel so great to see my little nephew enjoying every bite of it.

For this pancake, I used Happy Call pan which sis bought for mom as Mother's Day gift and we are so thrilled about it and had been trying to figure out how to use it to create more nice cuisine.  Anyway, if you do not have Happy Call, just use a normal non stick frying pan will do.

ingredients (makes 4 pancakes)
- 100g plain flour
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 100mls milk
-  1 tablespoon of honey
- melted butter

- whisk egg and milk
- add honey and mix well
- sift in plain flour, baking powder and salt and 'cupped' it till smooth, do not over mix it
- place in fridge for 30 minutes
- heat up happy call pan or frying pan
- lightly brush with a bit of melted butter on frying pan or for happy call, 2 sides of the pan
- pour in a scoop of batter and wait for about 3 minutes, when you see bubble.
- close the happy call and flipped to another side and cook for another 3 minutes.
- flip happycall over and open the lid, serve pancake.


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