Sunday 27 May 2012

refreshing citron tea on hot sunday evening

glass of cooling yuzu soda on a hot sunday
sis bought this box of yuzu tea from seoul
I have fallen so in love with Yuzu recently and also tried Yuzu Soda in restaurant recently.  On this hot Sunday evening, I decided to make this refreshing beverage to cool myself with the Korean Citron Tea  which come in individual packed form that was specially bought by sis from her holiday trip to Seoul, Korea.  If you can't find this, you can buy a big bottle of Honey Citron Tea from supermarket which cost less than $10 a bottle.

- 1 can of club soda water, chilled
- 1 packet of korean citron tea

- pour the korean citron tea into a glass
- pour in chilled soda water
- stir slightly and enjoy your drink.


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