Monday 14 May 2012

mind your selfishness | selfish gene cafe

meow's latte
spacious cafe

warm chocolate cake
After enjoying ourselves at 'The Plain', Meow and I went off to try this cafe - Selfish Gene Cafe which is  just around the other end of the shop houses street.  Meow likes this cafe because of the natural light and also how spacious it is.  

The servers here are truly friendly and he really take time to explain to us the menu and even joke with us when we ordered our warm chocolate cake.  He told us that the cake is moist but not molten(which im hoping for), so at least I don't feel disappointed when there's no lava flowing out from the centre of the chocolate cake.  Ha ha ha... 

Overall, this is quite a nice and spacious cafe, they even have extension plug placed near to seats so that we can charge our laptop while enjoying our coffee.

40 Craig Road

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