Tuesday 3 July 2012

father's day dinner on 170612

mini buddha jump over the wall
towards the end of dinner
yummy & creamy red bean soup
father's day menu
This dinner happened on Father's Day itself, 17th June 2012 and bad bad me only update it like a few weeks later.  Anyway, me and sis decided to treat our parents for a scrumptious dinner at Tung Lok Seafood to celebrate this wonderful day.  I realised that the market nowadays had been focusing a lot of Mother's Day, but not much was done for Father's Day, though some restaurants did come out with Father's Day Menu, but there's not much crowd seen as compared to Mother's Day.

Tung Lok Seafood - Jurong is located in The Arena Country Club, which is just oppostie of SAFTI Military Institute.  Though, there's buses to there, but I think it's more convenient to drive there.  Apart from Ala Carte Buffet menu, they also serve normal Ala Carte Menu and Set Meals.

Anyway, our family had a great dinner over here, and throughout the dinner, we were chatting about lives and thinking back about our grandfathers.  We had a great time and ended up having balloon-ed stomachs  from all the good food.  Now, me and sis will need to start planning for our Dad's birthday... Hmmmm, where shall we go?

The Arena Country Club
511 Upper Jurong Road


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