Wednesday 25 July 2012

attempting baked japanese cheese cake

I have never tried making bake cheese cake before and I happened to got this recipe from a cookery book which sat at my bookshelf for years and when today I suddenly open this book, I decided to challenge myself to make this.

- 80g cream cheese
- 60mls fresh milk
- 2 eggs separated
- 80g castor sugar (original recipe called for 90g but it turn out a bit sweet)
- 3 tablespoons plain flour
- 1 & 1/2 tablespoons cornflour
- 1/3 teaspoon cream of tartar

- preheat oven to 180 degree celcius.
- sift flour and cornflour together.
- cook milk and cream cheese over low heat till cream cheese melts. set aside.
- beat egg yolks and half of sugar till creamy. fold in cheese mixture and fold in flour and corn flour.
- beat egg white till soft peak, sift in cream of tartar and sugar in 2 separate time while beating.
- beat until stiff peak form. fold in egg whites into batter in serveral times and mix well.
- line cake tin with baking sheet, pour in batter.
-pour water on baking tray until half full.
- place cake tin in tray.
- bake in oven for 20 minutes.
- reduced to 150 degree celcius and bake for another 15 minutes.
- let it stand for 10 minutes before taking out from oven.
- enjoy with a cup of nice hot green tea.~~


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