Wednesday 20 June 2012

traditional chinese pancake on busy weeks

thickly spreaded pancake
Its has been a busy week trying to rush for deadlines and making sure all things are in proper at work.  Being a super workaholic at times, I find myself falling sick twice within 3 weeks.  Fever, throwing out and cold shivering, I think its a way that my body is telling me to slow down my pace. 

Anyway, I made Traditional Chinese Pancakes on last Sunday with sis and it's only until now that I realized I forgot to post it up.  Bad me, bad me... Anyway, this Traditional Chinese Pancake is a very well-known Singapore snacks which we usually called it as (Bee Chian Kueh) and the usual filling is crushed peanuts and sometime shredded coconut.  But sis love to eat it with red bean paste, I got the recipe from a Happy Call Pan Fans Group on Facebook and decided to give it a try.
So there we go.... Red Bean Paste Bee Chian Kueh. 


- 150g plain flour
- 1 egg
- 30g sugar
- 185mls water
- 1/2 teaspoon yeast
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- some red bean paste (depends on what you like for the fillings)


- mix everything except for the red bean paste into a bowl
- mix well and cover the bowl and leave it for 45 - 60 minutes
- make sure the batter bubble-ed up, otherwise leave it a bit more longer
- pour the batter onto Happy Call Pan
- cook on low heat for about 6-8 minutes
- remember to move the pan to the left than right then left for even coloring of the pancake
- don't have to flip the pan
- remove from pan and cool
- spread the red bean paste or crushed peanut or anything you like~~


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