Tuesday 7 August 2012

aromatic earl grey madeleine

I have fallen in love deeply with Madeleine and also French baking recently.  Apart from the previous Madeleine I made, I found a few other recipes on different flavours Madeleine and I'm going to make Earl Grey flavour Madeleine today.  I found this recipe from Eugenie's Kitchen Blog and I really like her method of making these Madeleine.  Feel free to browse through her blog.
Sunday 5 August 2012

donuts delights

I really do not have any confident in making donuts after a horrible failure long time ago.  I admit that I was still quite timid and fear failure repeats itself again, hence, I bought a packet of premix from supermarket and made them.  Dusted with icing sugar, its a great afternoon snack with a cup of hot green tea.  
Wednesday 1 August 2012

pretty madeleine

I always have a missed conception about these beautiful Madeleine and have never ever wanted to make these little one until I suddenly saw the Madeleine Pan from Daiso and I decided to challenge myself in making some of those.

I got my recipe from Joy of Baking and went straight off to get all my ingredients.  So, here we go...

- 113g of unsalted butter
- 1 cup of all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 3 large eggs, room temperature
- 2/3 cup granulated white sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

- melt the butter and allow it to cool.
- prepare the madeleine cake tin by greasing it with butter and dust with some flour.
- sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl.
- in a bowl, beat egg, sugar until volume double and forms a thick ribbon when the whisk is lifted up.
- add in vanilla essence and beat to combine.
- sift in small amount of flour into the egg mixture and fold till well combine.
- sift in the the rest of the flour and make sure not to over-fold the batter.
- whisk a small amount of the batter into the cooled melted butter to lighten it.
- pour in the rest of the cooled melted butter and fold in well.
- dropped spoonful of the batter on madeleine mould.
- baked in pre-heated 190 degree celcius oven for 11-13 minutes.
- remove from oven, and remove the madeleine from the mould and let it cool at cooling rack.
- best eaten on the same day with nice cup of coffee. enjoy...~~


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